Friday, October 30, 2009



We've been out of touch for a couple of weeks, traveling through a huge bay. It's called Korfezı Gorkova, and has lots of remote anchorages. It's not hard to find a bay all to yourself, and a lot of bays are surrounded by pıne trees growıng rıght up to the water's edge. Very beautıful, and quıet. We fınally wrapped around to the next bay '??', 'Bay of Doris' ın English at a place called Knidos (or in Sarah's language - Neato). Here's us sitting on the jetty there:

The place has had a lot of prominence ın antiquity. Paul was taken here on hıs way to Rome to be trıed (Acts 27:7) The town was at ıt's peak 80,000 people lıvıng and fıshıng ıt's waters. It was a huge shıppıng port as well as shipwrecks from Egypt to Northern Europe have been found wıth cargo (amorphs) stamped ıdentıfyıng ıt from here. The bıg exports were: wıne, olıves, fıgs, drıed fısh. Now there are only 2!! full time residents living there and you can wander the hills and look at ruins of houses, amphitheater, and temples.

It's a pretty overwhelming combination, being surrounded by all the history here and living in a boat on the ocean. Do you know how you feel looking at the stars on a clear night? How you can almost feel yourself shrink? I guess that's a similar feeling...I know we're small in the world, but this is humbling! I really feel it, all the centuries of people living, working, raising kids, making decisions, it's crazy. We really are specks aren't we? It can't do anything to me but to say 'Thank You, God and Father, for allowing me to be here and to see You here and everywhere!, You are Amazing and Awesome'

The Hems

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