Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Podcast Launch!

It turned out to be an incredible amount of work, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've noticed a trend in myself lately that I have a bizarre power to drastically underestimate how hard or how long or how much a project is going to take to complete. I think it may be "rose colored" glasses, but either way, it's annoying as heck!! By the end of the day, I'm usually left wondering what I got done.

See? ....just that paragraph was longer than I wanted as an intro! :)

At any rate, we launched Family Adventure Podcast!! It's officially on Itunes! and we'd LOVE to have everyone's help in getting the word spread. The best way is to post this link on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, etc. and see here it goes! www.familyadventurepodcast.com/itunes Also, it's critical to Subscribe, and Rate or Review the podcast on itunes. 
If you're not appley, go through this link to Stitcher: www.familyadventurepodcast.com/stitcher. Stitcher is a popular podcast engine for Android, tablets, etc.  

Thanks in advance for everyone's help! Let us know how you like it (or don't) and we are excited to see what this may lead to!

Erik & Family

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